Nagomi Tea House x Enfu

The North American Post had set up a holiday art sale with a bunch of local artists, giving locals the chance to support their free range organic local artists.  Thanks for coming out and showing your support, we all appreciated it! Featured artists include: Ken Taya (Enfu), Junichi Tsuneoka (Stubborn Sideburn), Jonathan Wakuda Fischer, Aki Sogabe, Takuya Tokizawa, Robert Fornell, Kiyomi Okawa, Linda Hoshide, Dennis Harrison, and Nancy Matsudaira.

What a funky lineup.  Enfu (Ken Taya), Wakuda Studio (Johnathan Wakuda Fischer), and Stubborn Sideburn (Junichi Tsuneoka).  It was an honor and pleasure to have sat next to them.  I personally love their work and have them proudly hanging on my walls.  I also had a chance to sit next to Aki Sogabe and hear about her almost 30 years of experience showing at the Bellevue Art Fair.  I have yet a lot to learn from all my fellow Artists.  My eyes and ears are wide open for inspiration and advice from my peers and seniors. 

My daughter giving me a helping hand.  Thanks Honey!  She was the model for I Fart Rainbow's Elly charater.