I Fart Rainbow comic debut at Kobo

Thank you all for coming out to see the show.  Officially kicking off the start of "I Fart Rainbow" showing the characters to the public for the first time at Kobo at Higo.  The actual strip will appear in 2010's first Ibuki Magazine.

Here are some pix from the show:


I had commissioned Harue Fujikawa to make me clay figures of Elly and Puri for me to take around with me to pose for my Enfu Flickr pages.  Here they are making their first public appearance posing for the show.  More pix after the jump...

The main show floor included an LED display of Elly's Powers and 90 bamboo tiles that were stenciled, screenprinted, and hand painted with an Elly short verse.  The tiles are missing because people had bought them.  Go and get yours before they are all gone.  No little red circle stickers for these guys.

Here is a shot showing "i fart rainbow's" wall decals to put all over your walls.  Also shown is the current issue of Ibuki featuring the Uwajimaya bag.  The issues are free and can be found all over the Puget Sound area Japanese eateries.  Go get the issue or the bag.

Here are the poster prints of these Elly Powers.  They are 16"x20" each signed.

Her powers L to R:

Positive Beam

Sakura Ribbon

Yoga Trance

Here is another shot of the main display area but in the back you can see where Kobo keeps a little corner for Enfu where a lot of my previous works are on display.  Kobo at Higo is Enfu's little HQ.  Thanks Kobo!