Enfu Gelaskins Skins

Hello DIYers.

If you'd like to use my art for Gelaskins skins feel free to use the following images below.  Just go to Gelaskins create page, pick a template, and upload an image.  I made the template with the iPhone in mind.  $14.95 plus shipping.  Just as a disclaimer I make no money on this transaction, I simply enjoy offering these images up for fans of the work and enjoy just the thought of that.  If you could send me pics of your newly adorned phones I would post them on my site.  Thanks!


Links to original size downloadables below after the jump....

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Nanami Cowdroy

I've heard of this artist before, but I've got to say her stuff rocks.  I especially like it when people who 'get it'  actually create Japanese inspired art that looks great and contemporary for that matter.  From her bio on her site she states that her  "close bonds to her mixed Japanese-European heritage" influenced her art style.  You can tell too.  There are alot of artists out there that create Japanese inspired art that don't get it and you can tell.  She gets it, and her designs are top notch.  This is an image from her site of a skate deck that is laser engraved!  Awesome work, go see her website!


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