I lay out many of my own convictions and mantras (Enfuisms) in my book Enfu: Cute Grit.
Reading about other Artists' struggles, blaming the cosplayer con go-er without really addressing first what the Artist can do to improve their relevancy, I’ve decided to write about what I do to hustle at conventions and my own struggles to stay relevant and engaging. This post is for Artists at cons specifically, take it or leave it. If I were you, I’d leave it. For you skimmers and TLDR’s here’s the short list up front:
1) Don't display prices.
2) Stand up all day.
3) Profile people.
4) Business cards are bait, chum the ocean.
5) Sell you first then your art.
6) Mine for information.
7) Evolve your layout each time.
8) Literally stand behind your work to strengthen your convictions.
9) “Good art sells itself” is a fallacy. Props & gimmicks work.
10) Count connections before counting money.

1) Don't display prices.
2) Stand up all day.
3) Profile people.
4) Business cards are bait, chum the ocean.
5) Sell you first then your art.
6) Mine for information.
7) Evolve your layout each time.
8) Literally stand behind your work to strengthen your convictions.
9) “Good art sells itself” is a fallacy. Props & gimmicks work.
10) Count connections before counting money.
1) Don't display prices.
- This advice is counter intuitive, I know....